My most sorrowful congratulations to everyone!
Lately I have been pondering one of life's oldest mysteries. The question that I have asked myself is,"Why haven't I been able to impress women with my publication?" The answer my loyal readers, is the fact that I need to spread the form of hillarity known as,"In Left Field" to more people(women). So with the help of others and the miracle of modern technology, "In Left Field will be appearing on the internet!! You should read it because. . .
Reasons why you should read my page on the web
- Be waste free and hug a tree
- Because life is a box of rockets....
- Move over bacon! Now there's something meatier
- It's better than having cybersex with a 300lb gentleman named Bubba, who's pretending to be a woman on-line.
- It's a great thing to do and a tasty way to do it.
- Because, if you catch me, you can have my box of marshmellow flavored kid's cereal.
- Because if you join me, we can end this destructive conflict and rule the galaxy together..........
- It's a better time than ferret-legging.
- I need to be smelled by someone.
- Hey, it beats suicide!
- More women(see above paragraph)