Wendy S. Klepfer



Writing/Editing Credits

"Technically Speaking" Editor, technology column for library paraprofessionals

-Library Mosaics, bimonthly, July/August 1997-present

"Reed Library Archivist is new curator at Roger Tory Peterson Institute"

-Fredonia State College Campus Report, March 12, 1997

"Bar Games"

-The Rock Literary Zine, March 1, 1997

"What I Did On My Summer Vacation"

-American Libraries, accepted February 27, 1997 (unpublished as yet)

Reed Library Newsletter, writer/editor

-Reed Library, February 1997-present

"Freeware and Services on the Web"

-FolksOnline, January 1997

"Tired of uninspiring leaders? Change presidential age limits and give Gen X a chance"

-Buffalo News, November 30, 1996

Movie Review: "Harriet the Spy"

-Cybermom Dot Com, August 16, 1996

Office Management

Reed Library: State University of New York College at Fredonia
Supervisor: Tesfai Kflu, Head: Acquisitions/Serials (716) 673-3182
August 1994-present


Lakeview Shock Incarceration Correctional Facility
Supervisor: Ms. Susan Gasiewicz, Inmate Records Coordinator II (716) 792-7100
October 1992-August 1994

Computer/Internet Skills


Empire State College
August 1994-present

State University of New York College at Fredonia
August 1985-January 1986

Community Service/Awards


Available upon request.