Submit to Redgrrl!
(No whips or handcuffs necessary.)

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Thank you for your interest in The Writing Room! I intend this to be a place where writers can post their material for critique, comment, praise, or just the satisfaction of seeing their work published.

If you would like others to comment on your submission, I will provide a mailto or URL link with your work.

Caution: Please protect your work! Each submission will be accompanied by a copyright notice. If you intend to market your submission elsewhere, do not submit the final draft here. For more information on copyright and writers' rights, please visit my Writing Resources page.

One last warning: Obscene or excessively profane material will not be posted. Hey, it's my site, my rules.

Name or handle:   

E-mail address 
(required for verification purposes):

Do you want an e-mail or URL link with your submission?


If yes, enter e-mail address or URL link here:

Type your submission here. You may use your computer's "cut-and-paste" capability to insert your submission. If you have any problems, please note them in the comments box below.

Comments or suggestions? Fire away!:

Click on the mail icon to send me mail.

Use this as a jumping point to another page within my site.

Please allow 72 hours for me to post your submission in The Writing Room. Register to receive e-mail every time the page changes so you don't miss any submissions!

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