RavenBlack's Resume or CV
Made slightly amusing, because CV's are undeniably dull

Title : Mr
Name : Raven Black (yes, really)
D.O.B. : 15-02-77
Email : ravenblack@mindless.com
Permanent address :
12 Sylvester Street
Tel : 01524 37641
Current address :
77 Colwell Drive,
OX8 7NN.
Tel : 01993 703316
Current Employment : Windows 95 GUI Programmer, using Visual C++, for Oxford Softworks.
Health : Not bad, not bad at all.

A-Levels :
A - Physics
B - General Studies
B - Maths
C - Further Maths
C - Chemistry
A - Computer Studies
A - Maths
A - Physics
A - Chemistry
B - English Language
B - French
C - English Literature
C - Geography
Half a Computer Science degree, incomplete for reason of funds and employment being preferable.

Previous Work Experience
Temporary database entry, using 'Access' for Windows 3.1 Occasional, between 1993 and 1995 Frank Wareing
School of Independent studies
Lancaster University
Temporary database creation and data entry, using 'Works for Windows', under Windows 3.1 April 1995 Elke Elliott
Lancaster University
Temporary WP operator, using Amipro, and spreadsheet operator, using Lotus 1-2-3, under OS/2 Warp. August / September 1996 Acclaim Employment Bureau

Software Experience
Word Processing Microsoft Word, Microsoft Works, Lotus Amipro, Word Perfect.
Database Microsoft Access, Microsoft Works, Clarisworks, Oracle and SQL
Spreadsheet Microsoft Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, Clarisworks, Microsoft Works
D.T.P. Fleet Street Publisher, Pagemaker, Serif Pageplus, Quark Express
Art Packages Adobe Photoshop, Imageworks, Paintshop Pro, Deluxe Paint
Graphics Clarisworks
Presentation Packages Microsoft Powerpoint, Iconauthor, Hypercard
Other Persistence of Vision Raytracer, 3D Studio, Videomaster, Media Studio, Mastersound, Noisetracker 3.1, 3D Construction Kit, Borland C++, DJGPP C Compiler, Microsoft Developer Studio, Watcom C Compiler.

Programming Languages
C Visual Basic 68000 Assembler DCL
C and C++ STOS Basic Ada 8086 Assembler
Java JavaScript Hypertalk GFA Basic
From these I prefer C, C++, Assembler and Java.

Further information... (aren't you bored yet?)
I type at greater than 80 words per minute, and can audio type. I enjoy programming games, and started doing so on a 48K Spectrum, some time ago, then on an Atari ST, in 68000 Assembly language, and in STOS Basic.
Games I have programmed have been mostly real-time, and multi-player.
I have an interest in raytracing and hope to do more of it this year. I like to paint, draw, model, carve, and write, and do so with reasonable aptitute.
I enjoy Fantasy and Science Fiction, to read, watch on television, or write.
I have played role-playing games of various genres, from Fantasy to Cyberpunk,
and also enjoy games of skill, be they Chess, Scrabble, or computer-based.

Shirley Bates
Acclaim Employment Bureau
1-9 Market Place approach
Tel : 0116 253 8866
Calvin Hutt
Oxford Softworks
198 The Hill
OX18 4HX. (UK)
Tel : 01993 823463. Fax : 01993 822799
Email : contact@cpsoft.demon.co.uk

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