This is another installment in the series I started with Mall Trawling, with the X-folk just being themselves (without distractions like enemies, romance, etc.) I hope y'all like it! Comments: Dear Child by Deinonychus Nightmares. Shapeless blobs bent on devouring him whole chased after him with unearthly speed. No matter how hard he ran, he couldn't escape. Just as they were about to swallow the little boy, he awoke. "Papa! Papa!" he screamed. A light flicked on after what seemed like an eternity, and a pair of strong, familiar arms curled protectively around him. "It's all right, my beloved son. Don't cry. It was just a dream. Just a bit of milkweed fluff on the wind. It can't hurt you; I won't let it." the boy's father crooned comfortingly in French, hugging the boy a bit tighter. "Papa...I..." the boy pulled away slightly so he could look into his father's eyes. "Oh, Papa, it was horrible." "Was being the operative term, Dear Child. It was only a dream. You see, there is nothing here that can harm you, nothing that would harm you." his father replied, a smile forming in his eyes that never quite made it down to his lips. The boy wiped tears from his eyes, pulling completely from his father's embrace. He felt a little silly now. "Besides, if I ever saw that old boogie man, I'd black his eyes. Pow! Probably give him one in the kisser, too." the boy's father joked, and the boy smiled. "I'm not afraid." he stated at last, and his father nodded. "Then lie down, Dear Child." The boy did as he had been bid, and felt himself drifting off to sleep as the gentle cadence of his father's reassurances filled his ears. "*ahem*" Bishop started from his reverie as Pietro coughed softy from the doorway. Luna was asleep again, her nightmare forgotten. Bishop rose from where he was crouched near the little girl's bed, and walked to the door. Pietro caught his arm, a ghost of a smile curving his lips. "I doubt she understood a word you said, but at least she knew she wasn't alone." They went out into the hall, and Pietro closed the door. "Thank you for being there for her. To be honest, I-I wouldn't have expected you, of all people, to know how to comfort a child." A sudden burst of loud talk downstairs caught their attention, and above it rose Remy's stage whisper. "Will you imbeciles be quiet? Luna's sleepin'!" Bishop half-smiled as he looked back at Pietro. "It was something I learned from my father." The End ;) I hope this doesn't suck! Deinonychus --------------------------------------------------------- Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at ---------------------------------------------------------