Not by me, by Liana, who's been gone for a while hasn't she? Don't archive without her permission, please. Thankee. ..-=K=-. ~~~~~~~ The Light and The Darkness By Liana Devereaux ( Part 4 Her eyes drifted around the incredible mansion as Remy led her on the grand tour. She was absolutely amazed at the size of the indoor pool, but it was the Danger Room that totally blew her away. *This guy must be loaded! How else could he afford to have all this?* Remy seemed quite at ease with her now. He had removed his sunglasses, letting her see his red-on-black eyes, and answered her most ridiculous questions, never laughing at her, for he had once been a child of the streets himself. Gabrielle felt quite at ease with him as well. He seemed like a friend who was very loyal and was a good listener. Maybe sometime she would open up and tell everything, but not right now. It was all moving too fast for her. What if she messed up? Would they throw her back to the streets? How could she be so lucky as to be taken in without any questions of her past? She took a chance and posed those questions to Remy. He led her to the outdoor lounge chairs and they sat down. "Gabrielle," he began, "everyone here got a second chance. Everyone, e'vn me, has somet'ing to hide. Le Prof, he know that, he respect that, we all get to start over new." "I understand, but it just seems like I'm really lucky. I just don't want to ruin it," Gabrielle whispered. *Well, girl, it can't get much worse, can it? So if it doesn't work out, you move on, as usual.* "Hey," he reached out and took her hand, "don't git so down. T'is isn't a dream, you'll see." Remy smiled and Gabrielle felt like a weight had been lifted. He rose and led her back into the mansion, where the team was assembled in the sitting room, awaiting her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ END OF CHAPTER