Mystery Valentine By Reuben A. Macapinlac *Supereub* Now, I am not too good at the love mushy stuff, so have desperatly tried to make it humorous a bit. Basically, I wrote this story to celebrate one of my favorite holdiays, Valentine's Day. Interrupting my Mystic Shore Series for today. So if you have time, can you E-Mail me at and tell me what you think of it. *********** Jubilee's Room, 6:30 AM... Jubilee slowly opened her eyes. She rolled over to the side of her bed and reached for the alarm clock blindly. She squinted her eyes at the clock. (6:30? Damn, what's gotten into me today?) She tossed the blankets and slowly sat up. Scratching her head, she lazily stood up from the bed. (What I need to cheer me up is a date.) She shivered as she walked to the hall bathroom. Up ahead was Monet, who surprisingly was awake at this time of the morning. "Hey M." Monet didn't respond, but strangely gazed at the wall. (Probably in one of her spells again.) she thought. When she entered the bathroom, Jubilee started to brush her teeth. As she squeezed the toothpaste, she paused for a moment. (Is it just me, or did I miss something? I know I'm supposed to do something today.)As she finished her time in the bathroom, she came back to her bedroom. Slowly, she went to her closet when she noticed a letter on her pillow. Puzzled, she came over to her bed and picked up the letter. (What in the world is this?) She opened it slowly. Her face lightened up. The letter read: Jubilee- As you know, it's February 14, or better known as Valentine's Day. To my surprise, out of all the girls in the institution, I picked you. Please be my Valentine this Valentines Day. Love, Your Secret Admirer. (Valentine's Day!!! That's it!!! And for the first time, I got a Valentine!) She started to ponder on who would send it. "Angelo? Jono? Everett? Mondo? Who would send this?" she muttered to herself. Jubilee quickly dressed herself into some tight fitting Levis denim jeans and a pink shirt. She quickly took the letter to Paige. *** Paige's Room, 6:55 AM... "Oh muh gosh! Ah'm so jealous of you!" Paige said. Jubilee smiled. "Yep. But I still don't know who sent it!" "Ya only have ta suspect four people: Everett, Angelo, Mondo, or Jono. What's so hard with that?" "Yeah, I guess." Jubilee replied. "But I'm so anxious to find out my Secret Admirer!" Paige began to think for a few moments. "Ah know, why don't we ask Ms. Frost." "Good idea!" *** East Wing, 7:12 AM The two girls knocked on the door. "Ms. Frost!" Paige yelled. No answer... "Ms. Frost!" the two girls yelled in unison. #Not this early in the morning girls!# a telepathic voice warned. #Um, maybe later.# #Good idea.# *** Main Kitchen, 7:36 AM The two girls sat at the kitchen table. Paige had suited up in her X-Uniform. Jubilee slowly ate some cereal. "Why are ya eatin' oatmeal?" Paige asked, with a grimacing face. "Huh?" Paige swiped the letter from Jubilee's sight. "Quit it Jubes! We still gotta find who is your Valentine!" "Why don't we check the boys wing?" Jubilee suggested. *** West Wing, 7:51 AM They slowly crept by the rooms. Mondo's room was first, but considering that he was fast asleep, kicked him out of the suspects list. On the other hand, Angelo, Jono, and Everett were not in their bedrooms. "Ah told you, it must've been one of them." Paige said. "But don't you think Jono would not be a suspect? Considering your break up hit him pretty hard." Paige sighed. "Um, yeah, ah don't think he'll be ah suspect either." "Let's wait till' breakfast Paige, from there, we'll see who sent the letter." *** Breakfast, 8:32 AM... The seven kids sat around the table. Paige would be eyeing the boys suspiciously, but unfortunately, they had no luck with that approach. Angelo suddenly pulled out a rose and extended it to Jubilee. "By the way chica, this is for you." Jubilee smiled. "So you were the one who sent the letter!" Angelo had a bewildered look on his face. "Huh chica?" (Probably not him either!) "Nevermind Angelo." Chamber said psionically. "Ah'll tell you later." Paige whispered. *** Monet's Room, 10 AM... "...So that's why we're tryin' ta look for Jubes Secret Admirer." Paige explained to Monet. "That is so cool!" M exclaimed. Jubilee sighed. "Yeah, but since Mondo, Jono, and Angelo are out that only leaves..." "Everett." Monet whispered. *** Everett's Room, 10:10 AM... Knock! Knock! Everett opened the door. The three girls appeared in front of him. "Sup' ladies. What can I do for ya today?" he asked. Jubilee started to flirt with him. "I know you were the one who sent it Synch, you don't have to lie." "And this would be what Jubes?" Everett asked curiously. "Nevermind." *** Jubilee's Room, 10:28 AM "One of these guys are lyin'" Paige exclaimed. Monet stared at the letter. "Let's see now, we gotta find clues." "I don't want this Valentine to go around." Jubilee warned. "Not until I find the Secret Admirer." Monet smiled. "Check it out!" the girls looked closer at the letter. "Whoever wrote this, they used green ink!" Jubilee swiped the letter from Monet's hand and stared at the letter. "You're right! Let's check if any ink got smeared on the boys hands." "It's a long shot..." "C'mon!" Jubilee grabbed Paige by the hand as Monet rolled her eyes, following the two girls. *** West Wing, 10:34 AM Chamber asked. "Sorry Chamber! We're, um, taking a test." Paige replied. Jubilee stared at the hand with Paige. "Nope. Let's check the others..." *** School Library, 11:12 AM... "No luck." Paige mumbled as she sighed. Exhausted with the whole thing. "Maybe aliens came down and gave you the letter." M suggested. The two girls stared at her, their mouths dropping down. "Uh, yeah." Jubilee said. "It can happen..." "Let's go ask Ms. Frost again!" Paige insisted. M rolled her eyes. "Don't you think we're..." Jubilee was off with a dash. Paige regretfully followed. M followed after her. *** Headmaster's Office, 11:29 AM... "Excuse me, Ms. Frost?" Jubilee asked. Emma Frost lifted her head, staring at them. She smiled. "Oh hello girls, I believe you wanted to speak to me earlier. I'm ready to hear it." The three girls murmured to each other. "You tell her!" "I don't wanna tell her!" "It's your letter!" "It was your idea!" "Grr..." Finally, Jubilee stepped forward and extended the letter to her. "Um, Ms. Frost, I got this earlier today." Ms. Frost skimmed the letter, she giggled. "Oh, why Jubilation, I see one of the boys are interested in you this year. What do you want? Advice? Guidance?" "Not exactly..." Monet trailed off. "Then what is it that you want Jubilation?" Emma asked. "Um," Jubilee hesitated for a moment. "Can you use your telepathy to see who is the Secret Admirer?" Emma's smiled turned into a frown. "Well Jubilation, that would be defeating the whole purpose, I'm sure one of the boys will tell you later tonight." Jubilee grinned. "Yeah, tonight." *** Jubilee's Room, 6:57 PM... Jubilee finished strapping on her dress. She wore a black blouse with a black mini-skirt. Her hair stretched to her shoulders. (How can anyone walk in these damned high-heels!) Mondo chuckled. "You're a sight for sore eyes Jubes." "Why thank you Mondo." she replied. "What's the occasion?" Mondo asked. "I asked Angelo out." "When was this?" "Earlier..." she grinned. "Was he that mysterious Secret Admierer M told me about?" "M told you!" Mondo began to whistle as he rolled his eyes away. "Um, kind of." "Well, Angelo probably is, considering he was the only suspect left. Would you happen to know who was my Secret Admirer?" Jubilee asked, taking a glance at Mondo, checking out if he would make any sudden uneasy movements. "Nope." *** Main Hall, 8:32 PM... "Ready chica?" Angelo asked, dressed in a black and white suit. The classy tuxito. "Yeah." Jubilee whispered, they went out the door. "Have a good time lass!" Sean Cassidy yelled. "I will!" The door closed behind them. Emma went up to Sean. "Did they suspect anything?" Sean revealed a bottle of green ink that he held in his hand. "Not a clue..." THE END. Reuben M. *Supereub* - SUPER'S Home Page: - Supereub's X-Men Krazy Page: - Supereub's X-Men Fan Fiction Archive: *-------------------------------------* | | | Hey, who took the cork off | | my lunch?!! | | - W.C. Fields | | | | | | | *-------------------------------------*