Remy, Kurt, Rogue, and so on are a TM of Marvel Comics. Emperor Tourach, Jered, and the other characters were created by me. Mystic Shores By Reuben A. Macapinlac *Supereub* Part Five ********* Apocalypse's Imperial Headquarters... The droid informed En Sabuh Nur of the Emperor's mission. "...What should I do sir?" the droid asked. "Ha! They are nothing but a mere nonentity! Send one of the horsemen to greet them later." Apocalypse replied. "Holocaust and Logan are occupying the fallen Dallben Empire, should I send Sovitz or Magneto sir?" "Call Soritz, I trust he'll get the job done fast." "Right sir." *** Remy woke up, refreshed from the other night. Since he had eaten a descent meal and had some sleep that wasn't out in the wilderness. He stretched his arms and legs as he got up from his bed. He still remembered his telepathic conversation with Rogue. A smile formed on his face. (Ooh mon ami, what a fine femme.) As soon as he dressed up, a soldier accompanied him down into the royal dining room. The others were already eating breakfast. He spotted Rogue, who had been talking to the young lady who would teleport them to Vahala. Jered greeted Remy with a smile, the others simply ignored him. He sat at the table, they served something that even in his plane, was familiar to him, eggs and bacon! "You slept well?" Jered asked. "Oui." Remy replied as he stared at Rogue. "Like a lil' cajun homme." Rogue seemed to have no interest in him at the table. But the Cajun spent most of his time talking to Jered, who was more excited about the trip than he. After all, he was the only person in the group who wasn't an official X-Man. Remy had eaten quickly, catching up. After he finished, he managed to convince the Emperor's assistant to arm him with a steel bo. He had also managed to get some steel pellets, which were the size of regular bebe's. Which he can use with his mutant power. *** At the Central Square at the city, the six X-Men waited until the Emperor had made their introductions. Remy looked at each X-Man. The first one was Cyclops from another timeline, who was basically the same as from Remy's timeline. The second X-Man seemed like a jokester, he was slightly shorter than Remy, with short black hair and average build. But his power was amazing, the power to morph into anything. The third X-Man was Kurt Wagner, who in his timeline was a leader of a rebellion against the F.O.H. but was killed in a all-out battle. The fourth was a young lady known as Clarice Ferguson, AKA Blink. Which had the power to teleport anyone or anything in a blink. She would be the one who would teleport them there and back. Fifth was Rogue, who Remy was most interested in. She seemed more in control, and most fortunate of all, she knew how to use her powers correctly. The seventh, was Jered, which was the only non-x member in the group. But he seemed to be a mutant, with above average agility and a strange "danger sense". Emperor Tourach stood up on the risen platform which was supposed to be a stage. The crowd gathered around, staring at each individual. "Ladies and Gentlemen! I want to introduce you to the X-Men, from different timelines, here to save us from the En Sabuh Nur!" The crown cheered and roared. "Get'em!" "Kill that bastard!" "Good luck!" Suddenly, the young lady, Clarice, started to focus her powers. A bright red light shone throughout the square. And in a flash, they were gone. BLINK! "They're away..." a guard mumbled. *** BLINK! Remy fell, face forward, on the groud. (Dat hurt!) The seven figures stood aghast, the castle of Apocalypse was huge. "Fascinating, this technology is far advanced from ours in my timeline." Cyclops mumbled. Kurt stood beside Remy. He stood vigilant of his surroundings. "Beware! We are in visitor territory now!" Jered froze. "Get ready! I sense we're in danger!!!" The seven got into their fighting stances. When they saw seven more figures, more like monsters. A stranger in black lead the pack. "Greetings X-Men." he announced. "Who de hell are you?" Remy slipped out his steel bo. "Who am I?!" the stranger asked him, rather surprised. "I am Apocalypse's fourth horseman, Sovitz! My minions and I were sent to bring you to your defeat, and believe me, I never fail." "WWWHAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" one of the minions screamed. The sonic screamed left the X-Men almost helpless. Kurt, with all his might, unsheathed his sword and teleported behind the minion. He tapped him on the shoulder. The attacker turned around. Suddenly, a fist hurled into his face. (Gotta hit him with multi-teleportational body blows!) Kurt thought to himself. Just as the stunned minion fell to the ground, some cables started to wrap around Kurt's face and body. He struggled, but the cables were wrapping themselves more and more, tighter and tigher. (Ugh! Snagged in some sort of wire!) Remy quickly grabbed his bo, fighting off a big red beheamoth. Who seemed to have the same optic blast power as Cyclops. Remy sat behind a rock, rummaging through his pouch for a steel pellet. With a breath, Remy threw a steel pellet towards the monster. BOOM! Remy covered his ears. After the explosion, he let them go and tightened the grip on his steel bo. He lunged out of the rubble, only to find the beheamoth, lying on the ground, dying. "You don' mess wit' Remy LeBeau, you had to find out de hard way!" A huge hand suddenly gripped Remy's neck. He started to choke, trying to gasp for breath. A giant minotaur had did an ambush attack from behind. (Can't breathe!) Remy froze, he had remembered that night back in the alley, when that second thug had wrapped his arm around Remy's neck. He couldn't think straight, trembling. Suddenly, the grip weakened and he fell to the ground. Scott ran up to Remy, who was frightened at this point. "Get to your feet! What is wrong with you?!" Remy broke out of his paralyzed state and shook his head. "I'm fine mon ami." He slowly got up, Scott helped him. He twirled his steel bo. "Let's go." Remy murmured. By this time, half of the fleet had been defeated. Kurt lay unconscience, Blink was nowhere to be seen, and the shapeshifter had been in a heap of trouble, outnumered two to one. "You go find Blink Remy, while I help out the others!" Scott ordered. (Must be the leader in his timeline too.) "Right." Remy started to check around, trying to avoid the battle scene. A few moments later, he saw all the X-Men, defeated at the clutches of Sovitz. Remy stood behind a little hill, when he saw Clarice. "Blink!" he whispered. "What de hell are you doin' here?!" She trembled. "I...I...I was scared Mr. LeBeau." Remy embraced her. "Don't be petite," he said "But you need to help me, we need to follow dem." BLINK! *** Apocalypse's Main Chambers... Rogue slowly regained conscieness. "Ugh, what happened?" The others slowly opened their eyes, defeated from the fight. En Sabuh Nur turned to them. "Well, if it isn't the 'Chosen Ones'?" he said in a patronizing voice. "You can't get away with this! We'll bring you down somehow." Scott said as he tried to break free of the thick steel bonds attached to him. "Why? How are you exactly going to stop me?" he asked, rather satisfied. "How exactly are you going to defeat those barriers?! Only the strongest of wizards can break them!" Jered asked. Apocalypse laughed. "Simple my friend," he began as he held out a gem. "With this, the M'Krann Crystal, I will be able to break those barriers in less than a minute." Their hearts raced. "H...How did you g...get a hold of the legendary M'Krann Crystal?" "I have my ways." Apocalypse replied. "So what do you want with us?!" Kurt asked. "To be my servants. In a few mintues, you will all be brainwashed to serve me!" he slowly programmed his main computer, lowering some sort of head gear above all of them. "This here, will erase all your memories of your previous mission, and you will do my bidding!" "But they is just one thing En Sabuh Nur..." Kurt added. "And what is that, Kurt?!" "They're is seven of us, not five." "What?!" BLINK! Remy and Blink stood in front of En Sabuh Nur. "You heard de man, dere is seven of us, not five!" "Hit the gem he's holding!" Rogue screamed. Remy quickly glanced at the gem, and with his steel bo, hit it out of his hand. "YOU FOOL!!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE! WE'LL ALL DIE IF THAT THING BREAKS!" He started to sweat. "I've died once mon ami, I don't mind doin' it again." The crystal fell to the ground, an explosion followed, a bright white light surrounded the chamber, blinding everybody... END OF PART FIVE. Reuben M. *Supereub* - SUPER'S Home Page: - Supereub's X-Men Krazy Page: - Supereub's X-Men Fan Fiction Archive: *-------------------------------------* | | | Hey, who took the cork off | | my lunch?!! | | - W.C. Fields | | | | | | | *-------------------------------------*