Remy, Rogue, Logan, Ororo, etc. are creations of Marvel Comics and are used here without their permission. Mystic Shores By Reuben A. Macapinlac *Supereub* Part Six ******* Remy slowly opened his eyes. He was lying on a bed in a darkened room. A constant beeping sound could be heard. By his bedside was Logan, Ororo, and Rogue. "He's awake!" Ororo exclaimed. "Remy? Remy can ya hear me?" Rogue whispered. Remy blinked. He gave a slight moan, a pain could be felt on his right hip. "Hello chere, I'm fine. But where am I? Last thing I remember, I was at Apocalypse's ship in Vahala?" "Huh?" Logan asked, puzzled. "Where am I?" "Your at the local hospital Remy," Rogue said. "You were shot three days ago, some people took ya here." (De whole adventure, it was a dream!) "Rogue, I just want to say, I'm sorry." Remy apoligized. Rogue chuckled, her eyes became teary. "Oh Remy, ah was so worried." The two embraced once again. "C'mon chere, why don't we four go home." he said as a steel pellet dropped from his jacket. THE END. Reuben M. *Supereub* - SUPER'S Home Page: - Supereub's X-Men Krazy Page: - Supereub's X-Men Fan Fiction Archive: *-------------------------------------* | | | Hey, who took the cork off | | my lunch?!! | | - W.C. Fields | | | | | | | *-------------------------------------*