Dave X. Pooh's Anarchy Corner

Have you kissed an anarchist today?

"I heartily accept the motto, 'That government is best which governs least'; and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically. Carried out, it finally amounts to this, which also I believe- 'That government is best which governs not at all'; and when men are prepared for it, that will be the kind of government which they will have." --Henry David Throeau, On the Duty of Civil Disobedience--

This is my anarchy page, as you can see by the large heading at the top. If you can't see that, you'll never see all the text beneath this little message, and you should go purchase some glasses from a local retailer. Anyway, this is my way of sharing a little anarchy with you. You won't find any bomb making techniques, lockpicking tools or car theft devices here. I have no idea what any of that stuff could possibly have to do with anarchy, but a bunch of dipshits on the net have decided that the best page of anarchy is all about computer viruses. Personally, I think they're a bunch of dorks with nothing better to do than misuse words. Well, at least you came to the right place. Like all my pages, I ask you to read with an open mind.

First off, anarchy is defined in Webster's dictionary as: an absence of government, a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to absence of governmental authority, a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government, disorder or chaos... In reality, none of these is true.

As I see it, anarchy is a by-product of evolution. Well, not evolution in the normal sense of animals and such, but evolution of idea. You see, like religion, government is a tool. But government is a double-edged tool. On one side, government was invented by honest men who felt the need to assure that everyone was taken care of and had their rights. On the other hand, government was used by those who were corrupt and wished to control the people.

You see, government is always abused. It usually starts off with noble ideals, the protection of the weak, human rights, and such; but in practice it takes these away. How often do we see our contitutional rights under the magnifying glass as legislature slowly takes them away from us one by one? At this point in time, many Americans (and I center on America because this is where I am, and what I can affect) feel that their government is not working for them, and that it has grown too large, too beauraucratic and too intrusive. If the tool no longer works, why keep using it?

That is the main idea of anarchy. All too many people wish to delegate anarchy to the realm of bombthrowers, conspiracy nuts and criminals. This is not so. Heck, I'd be willing to bet there are a few of those in government, eh? The way I see it, anarchy is the backlash against all these things. Here is my view of an anarchist world...

In the anarchist world, there would be no money. Capitalism only serves to degrade people, and define them into classes so that they may be more easily divided and conquered. Just think, is the person on the street different from you? Well, he has no money... but otherwise? No! That person is a living, breathing human being who is forced into a compromising postition because he has no money. In an anarchist world, there would be no money. This would also cut down on crime.

Admit it, the majority of crime is for money, or related to money. Drug addicts steal money, or goods to pawn to get money. Banks are robbed for money. Credit cards are stolen to bypass using money, and then the goods are sold for money. Abandoning the capitalistic nature of society will eliminate many of these things. Granted, other crimes will still exist, but perhaps we will deal with them in another manner.

In the anarchist world, there will be no law. Now, that doesn't mean that I would be able to kill anyone I wanted with no fear of repercussion... it is far from it. You see, in an anarchist world, people would need to learn to rely on each other mor than ever before. We would probably relate to each other in ways similar to that of early villages, but with the modern-day things we enjoy now. Therefore, if I killed someone, nobody is going to help me, give me food, or trade with me for the things I need. I would rather be imprisoned for life than starve knowing I could have avoided it. These areas where people live will have their morality, just as ghetto life is different from that of a suburb.

People aren't going to change overnight either. Nobody is suddenly going to find it perfectly alright to kill, or to take other people's things without asking. But how can we get to this state? What am I doing?

Well... we can get to this state by realizing that democracy is not the end-all be-all of government. Just because it is the best in the world doesn't mean it can't get better, does it? If that was our rationale, we would all be using Commodore 64 computers with dual 400K drives! Who wants that? That is the first step to anarchy, realizing the problem. The second step is learning about it. This page is a good place to begin, but it is not enough. Go to your library and check out a few books. Read them. Think about them, and develop your own ideas about anarchy.

I have been asked many times what I am doing help anarchy come about. Let me first say that I will never see it in my lifetime. That doesn't bother me one bit. The way I see it, if I don't support the very best system I can think of, then I am being stupid. If I went along with democracy because it was pretty good, then I would be denying the future a chance at fully developing. So I bring anarchy by telling others about it, and showing them how nice it could be. Imagine how wonderful it would be if everyone could pursue the things they loved... not for money, but for pleasure and personal improvement!

Not only would we have many more inventions, but teachers would be better, and life would improve. Let us take teaching for an example. Currently, teachers teach for money. Maybe they don't like what they are teaching, they might not even like teaching at all. Therefore, there are probably quite a few teachers who are really bad at their jobs because of apathy. They only remain because they must make money (and not much at that).

If teachers taught because that is what they loved to do, and because they understood the subject and wished to see others learn it, then they would still teach. People would still wish to learn, and they would be happier in classes. They could choose what they wished to learn, much like in home schooling. This would benefit all involved.

So, as you can see, the best way to bring anarchy about is through telling others about it, and becoming educated on the subject. Be aware, the word anarchy scares people. Some cannot believe that we can have a gentle, war-free society based on trade and basic human rights... so far, they are proving themselves right. I think that right now, we should prove to ourselves that government is as outmoded as typewriters and hula hoops, and watch it slip away forever.

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Suggested treble and bass positions for Dave X. Pooh's Area are... LOUD!