A letter home ...

Hi there,
    I'm angry. I'm fuming. And that is not my nature. I hate anger and I hate rage. 
But it is being foisted on me from a dizzy height. It is a sign of the times.
    Let's start with smoking. My dad, God bless is beautiful soul, smoked 50 cigarettes a day for almost 50 years. No one is going to tell me that he eventually developed Leukemia and died because he enjoyed smoking. Okay you anti- smokers, hold off with the AK-47's right now. My dad died a very happy man.
     Today they're talking about introducing the patch on planes to cut down on air rage -- smokers who go beserk because they are denied a puff. Give me a bloody break will ya? Put those passengers into a seperated section. Seal it off if 
necessary. Isolate the bastards if you must. But, give them the right to indulge in their passtime. I bet you'll cut down on 30,000 km high violence immediately!
    I am warned every day that if I eat this, I will get that and if I eat that, I will get the other. If I don't wash my veggies and fruit, I face a fate worse than smallpox. 
Is that not enough to make you angry too?
    If I don't exercise, my circulation will go for a sh*t. If I exercise too much, my system may shut down and I will die. If I eat fatty foods, my name soars to the top of the death list. If I swim in the lake, I could succumb to the multitude of micro
mothers that lurk in the deep. If you don't take your vitamins you will end up with a curved spine. That makes me bedonnered!
     Stay away from flouride toothpaste they tell me. Avoid plain white bread. Go 
for the whole wheat variety. It is supposed to be healthy for you. Cut down on potatoes and steady on when it comes to candy. Drink diet coke and don't, whatever you do, put sugar on your cereal. Salt, of course, is taboo.
    Drink decaf coffee say the pundits. Any other coffee, like the genuine Valdez stuff, will trigger major bodily disfunction. Milk, unless it contains less than 2 
percent fat, will definitely cause your bowels to do backflips and lead to an
early death.
    Can you see where my rage comes from?
    If you spend too much time on your computer, you're a sitting duck for the dreaded carpel tunnel syndrome. What next?
    Too much TV is bad for you. It will affect your mind. Fast cars will kill you. Air conditioning is a menace and nuclear power is an absolute no-no.
    Meantime, back at the ranch, Nato bombs the hell out of Belgrade, killing thousands, and thinks that it has just done the world a favour. Iranian fusspots are hopping up and down because their kids are demanding democracy and the rest of the western world worries about their calorie count.
    Gone are the days when a bad crime was homebreaking or theft. Now drive-by shootings, gang warfare, car hijackings, unparalled violence and murder hardly make the front pages of the local rags. International crime syndicates skim trillions of dollars from the world coffers while millions die of starvation. And you wonder why I'm angry?
    I know I'm sticking out my neck but please let me smear on my butter as thick 
as I like and plonk whatever I want on my sandwich. I only get to live once!
    Hope to hear from you real soon. Meantime, as always, take care and please stay safe.
PS: If you have any comments, e-mail them to me at: ColinD@Netcom.ca

Updated:  FRIDAY, 16 JULY, 1999.
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