Colin's Family Focus
Nice things in Life
There are lots of nice things in life if we take the trouble to find them. We are constantly bombarded with bad news on radio, TV and in our newspapers. Even the new world of cyberspace thrives, in a way, on the avariciousness of man. But we need to stop occasionally and appreciate a few of the nice things in life -- like a kindly greeting, a sweet smile or a friendly word. 
I have a favourite piece of prose that I would like to share with you. It is a blueprint for good living. 
I shall pass through this life but once;
If, therefore, there is any kindness I can show,
Or any good I can do for any fellow being
Let me do it now!
Let me not deter or neglect it,
For I shall not pass this way again.
If you have something nice to add to this website, don't hesitate to send it to me. My e-mail address is

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