Jennifer went through freshman orientation Monday and Tuesday, got campus tours, diversity training, membership pitches by various campus organizations, and registered for classes for the fall semester. She now has a computer printout listing her courses. I guess that officially makes her a college student. She has a pretty good schedule: only four days of classes (Wednesdays are free), first class at noon, and her latest class runs until 6:50 one day a week. That's mostly good news. There are two drawbacks: parking spaces will be hard to find when she gets to campus and three days a week she'll be finished with school just in time for maximum rush hour traffic. After spending a night in the dorms she's convinced she would not want to live on campus (there's no room for fall anyway) but I think she would prefer to live somewhere other than home. It's not that she has problems at home, just a natural desire to be more independent. I completely understand that. Naturally I like having her at home; she is a delightful person to know and I enjoy her company very much. Also, as a parent I constantly worry about her safety... *sigh* My guess is that she will commute from home this fall semester. I make no predictions for after that.
But it's happening for real, folks, and I don't just mean the Pizza Hut logo (or the deal for uniforms that the Russion cosmonauts now have with Versace). LunaCorp will be landing a remote control lunar rover in 2003, selling various sponsorships and commercial tie-ins... including having a sponsor run a contest to pick a lucky winner to be the driver (via remote control) after the rover lands and begins its trip on the lunar surface (and then lots of people can experience the journey via simulators that will not only show them a rover camera view but will bounce them around just as if they were seated in a command chair aboard the rover)... and so forth... the mind boggles.... |