Happy Halloween -- 10/31/02

Halloween Cookies

Almost every year Nancy would bake round cookies and iced them with a pumpkin color frosting. And then we would decorate them as Jack-o-lanterns and funny faces and pirates and monsters, etc. It was always fun, and became even greater fun once the kids were big enough to help decorate them.
I'm not home tonight for Halloween -- I'm still in Texas on business -- so I won't be handing out candies to the little trick-or-treaters in the neighborhood -- I won't be home until late Friday night.
So I've decorated this entry for Halloween... Wish I could really offer you a candy bar... I guess the tray of Halloween cookies will have to do, sort of a virtual treat. As you can see, some years we'd even decorate our table for Halloween.
One year (1994) Nancy and I went to a Halloween costume party -- I was dressed as a Form 1040 -- People said it was the scariest costume they'd seen! (Note to non-U.S. readers, a 1040 is the U.S. Federal Income Tax form, the one that everyone has to fill out and attach a multitude of additional forms.) I had taken a 1040 and blew it up on a photocopier in pieces and kept on blowing up each of those pieces and then glued them together on cardboard, making a sandwich board (the reverse side of the form was on the back sheet of cardboard.) Nancy was dressed as a school teacher. This picture was taken a couple of nights later, on Halloween itself when Nancy and I wore the same costumes to take the kids trick-or-treating. I'm wearing a raincoat and have plastic wrap on the form because we had rain and snow changing to all snow that night. In the morning there were several inches of snow on the ground and schools were closed.
And here are pictures of the kids.

Jennifer has always loved dressing up in costume on Halloween and going trick or treating. Here she is dressed as a clown about fifteeen or sixteen years ago. Even as a college student she has enjoyed making costumes and going to costume parties with friends, but she would also always stop at a few houses for trick or treating.

It's kind of amazing to have a picture of Sean in costume. He usually did not like the whole ritual of dressing up in costumes and usually chose minimal costumes... this is the only time I can remember him wearing what might be considered a mask (although it is only one of those knit ski hats that cover your face)... most years he would put on a token costume, trick-or-treat our street and maybe the next, and then go home and be in charge of handing out candy to trick-or-treaters visiting our house.

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