Lost and can't find your way?
Look to the sky...
Follow the North Star

Cool Breeze*...She has been my North Star for quite some time. I met her over a year ago, and somewhere along the way she became my closest friend. She has always been there to listen, encourage, kick me in the ass, and simply support me. I was lost, looked to the sky, and Cool Breeze* was there to lead me back to sanity. She helped me believe in me and reminded me how strong I could be. I can't begin to thank her enough for all she's done for me. Nobody could find a better friend than her.

lab is the friend that takes my hand and floats snowflakes to me just when I need them......*........
I've just started chatting again, after a long break. I'm sure there will be more friends to add to the list, just as soon as I get back into the swing of things. So don't be offended if your name isn't here.

StarLost SoulsStar
Those who occupied my mind in Cyberspace, but chose to move on
girl picture
4 Kids Land of Graphics

riverman is my little brother, who got to have the BIG tricycle, *pout*
and never got in trouble because I was older and knew better! *LMAO*
Viper was my first pal here in Cyberspace. He encouraged me to do my first page, and helped me at various times along the way.
Hartfield was my very first friend at HCU. He encouraged my creativity, and has been a supportive friend, who held my hand through the darkest hour.
ACE is a person that I met in one the darkest hours of my life. He was there to listen and provide a fresh perspective, and much needed support.
GAP, who is one of my daylight hour friends, has let me cheer him up when he was down, and has returned the favor numerous times!
moonchild was also there during the darkest hour. She listened to me drunkenly ramble in HCU. She continues to provide her moony disposition while she lives my life somewhere else *S*
Skitts was the first person to put me on her page. She reminds me of what it was like to be young and constantly singing. *LOL*
is the always BUSY counterpart of NeverBusyBunny *L* He has become a great buddy, who always let's me bug him!
Cyberwolff always enters the room with a handful of various vegetables for me to ensure that I have the energy to cause trouble here in cyberspace.
Peppy a great guy that brightens my day almost every morning when I receive several jokes from him in my email!
klimpen is a great guy who is teaching me Swedish!

They've all moved on to better places and found happier times and for this I'm grateful.

Each person who crosses your path leaves an imprint in your mind...
What you do with that imprint determines where in your life they reside...
and who YOU become...

Questions, Comments or just say Hello E-mail Me!

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