see just how fleeting youth is!!!
here's a collection of pics from the family album,
taken by my late father who was an awesome photographer and dad


b_d.jpg (23624 bytes)
me realizing just how cool the dad i was born into is....
baby1.jpg (34855 bytes)
have you got any party favors for me??
baby2.jpg (29702 bytes)
me learning that i do my best thinking in a supine position....
baby3.jpg (34135 bytes)
waitress!!! where's my coffee??
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i like the way this suit hangs....
baby6.jpg (32788 bytes)
hmmm....let me digest that thought for a moment....
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my name is shaft...
mom.jpg (28685 bytes)
vargas lives.......
sms.jpg (28535 bytes)
batgirl and spiderman

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