
This issue:

The we feel fortunate to be publishing the following creators.  Click the person's name to read what they have to say about themselves and send them an e-mail with your comments.  If you would like to make any comments directly to the publication please e-mail:

First Words
by Dave A. Law
Whale Watcher Notes: by June Woodward

      What's this whale watching about?
      After 27 years -- Free Lolita!

Short Stories
The Crimson Lantern
by Andy J. Campbell
Three Monkeys
by Helga Cronje
The Mountain
by Mert Guswiler

Darwin & Company
by David Hunter Sutherland
by Gerald England
Death Becomes You
by Tyger Thomas

Art Gallery
Digital Paintings
by John Pangia

Andy Campbell  (Send comment here)

Short Story: The Crimson Lantern

A computer programmer/graphic artist turned writer of the weird and fantastique, Andy J Campbell has written over 150 short stories, many of which have been featured on the cover-mounted disks of international computing magazines.  His work has also appeared in the glossy and small press (Implosion, Beneath the Surface, Outsider, Raw Nerve, Dread - Tales of the Uncanny and Grotesque, among others; plus cyberzines such as Frightnet, Alsirat, Gearheads, Nocturnal Postings, Temporary Sanity and X-Connect).  His first published novella, Doreen's Room - about a man who can see the colour of emotions - is available from Magnetic Press


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Helga Cronje  (Send comments here)

Short Story: Three Monkeys

I'm 19 years old, a first year varsity student working towards a Bachelor of Arts Degree. I was born and currently reside in South Africa. If you choose to publish my short story it'll be my first recognised work *grin*, so as you now know I'm a virgin lamb in literary circles. However that doesnt me I'm ignorant to the game. I'm a member of a online writers guild known as Cyberscribers who have been guiding my efforts and have been tutoring me both in the business of writing and publishing.

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Gerald England  (Send comments here)

Poem: Sparkling

Gerald England. I'm a British poet, living on the edge of the Pennines with my lace-making wife, a son and a Manchester terrier, and work around Oldham as a financial advisor. I've been active on the Small Press Scene for over 25 years and edit New Hope International My  poetry has been published in many countries and been translated into Croatian, German, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese & Russian.


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Mert Guswiler  (Send comments here)

Short Story: The Mountain

Mert (who seldom uses her last name unless she has to do so) is a native Ohioan currently ensconced in the Nevada desert. She has lived and worked all over the world, earning her living with words in a career that only can be described as eclectic. The proper tags for such eclecticism are print journalist in the US and abroad, instructor/trainer, California lawyer, and contract technical writer/editor/researcher for government and private industry.
The chain on which all of these "careers" hang is that of creative writer, with initial publication occurring at the age of 14 years. Since then, Mert has had a book of poems published as well as short stories and articles/essays, and has garnered awards both in the U.S. and abroad in print journalism and a few other categories.

Samples of her poetry and short stories can be found on various internet sites but to date she has not had time to create her own web page.

She has completed two books and is working on two others ("I seem to do things in twos"). Publication of the completed books (short synopsis of each follows) is her next step.

Websites displaying and/or noting her work include:

Newsgroups:  misc.writing; alt.writing; rec.arts.poems; rec.arts.prose

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Dave A. Law  (Send comments here)

Publisher/Columnist:  First Words

Dave A. Law is a professional writer and editor with ten years of experience  writing and editing short stories, poetry, magazine articles, and comic books.  Currently, besides publishing "Images: dma" Dave is writing a graphic novel for SoloComics and developing a collection of his work, Whispers in the Wind
, to be published by Proving Grounds later this year.

Web Site:  DEGA Studios

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John Pangia  (Send comments here)

Artwork: Digital Paintings

Background - John has been using photography as a basis for drawings and paintings since the early sixties.  With the recent advent of computer graphics software, he has been able to combine these two interests in a single medium.

Digital technique - Photo-Paint is used almost exclusively, whether doing retouches or original work.  A photo or video capture provides the basic shape, much like he would block in a subject on canvas.  Splotches of color are then added by hand through the use of a touch pad.  Rather than rely on programmed filters, he prefers to use a blending tool as a paint brush to bring the colors together and define the shapes into a whole, much like working wet on wet with oils.

Artist's statement - What makes good art?  You either like it, or you don't.

Web Site - Altered Images :

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David Sutherland  (Send comments here)

Poem: Darwin & Company

As for my background, my poems have seen good distribution in journals, reviews and magazines. Recent pieces of mine have appeared in The Hollins Critic, Anthology, The Fairfield Review and Crossconnects. I serve as editor for a publication called Recursive Angel and have recently sold a collection of verse called "Between Absolutes" to Menace Publishing of Alexandria, VA.


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Tyger Thomas  (Send comments here)

Poem:  Death Becomes You

Tyger is a many-times published author of poetry and short fiction, a dreamer
and an eccentric. She frequently can be seen running barefoot through a field
of wildflowers, or sitting near a campfire at the beach. She welcomes comments
or criticisms and can be reached at her email link here, or from her webpage.

Home Page:

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June Woodward  (Send comments here)

Columnist: What's this whale watching about?
                After 27 years -- Free Lolita!

I am a devoted animal lover and whale watcher.  As such, I have traveled (more than once) to Alaska, Baja Mexico, New England, California, British Columbia, Quebec and New Brunswick, and the Caribean to observe the whales and wildlife.  So the columns  are written from personal experience and from daily literary and InterNet research.   

I have gone through several careers in my lifetime -- vagabond bureacrat with the Feds, research and clinical psychologist, and computer scientist in geographic information systems.  My formal education led to a  Ph.D. in Psychology.

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Page created by Dave A. Law
Last update: March 6, 1998