Miscellaneous stuff
This page is a little like the coffeecan full of buttons my grandmother used to have when I was a little girl - full of interesting little treasures. Some are pretty, some are not, but it all depends on who's doing the looking. :)
Clicking on a picture link will open a separate window. That way this page doesn't get bogged down with a lot of thumbnails, much less the full size pictures.
1 - This is the oldest picture of me that I've got (scanned, at any rate, that I'll admit to). It's not a real good one, either. Oh the horrors of prom...
2 - Christmas about, hmm, eight years ago. And yes, those are shorts. Chillin' with my new Raybans in Hawaii, baby!
3 - My son and I before my daughter was born. This was the morning we were to take a minimum six hour flight to Texas from Hawaii for Christmas. JOY.
4 - My daughter as a baby. She's too damn cute for my own good. How do you punish a face like that, huh?
5 - Both kids together. Awww... *sniffle*
6 - My husband with the kiddos, closer to their current age. Dirty l'il faces!
7 - My mother at her wedding several years ago. The last time I'd seen so many kilts, I'd been sipping on mead at Pennsic... ;)
8 - Okay, barring a recent quasi-Christmas party, this is one of my most recent pictures. Well, that looks good, at any rate. Taken at my mother's in Texas, at least a year or more after the aforementioned wedding.
9, 10, 11 - I had to group these all together; they were all taken in Texas as well, and Mom fell in deep smit with the kids (and in typical grandmotherly fashion, handed the children back to me after having given them some sort of treat. "Have fun, dear." It's a curse, I tell you.)
12 - A picture I'd taken of myself with our cruddy webcam. Turned out real well, all things considered, so I've kept it.
13 - Friends! Cameron, he of the towering Marine, and Amanda, she of the slightly shorter stature and female gamer persuasion. They were also at the party, AKA 'harmonic convergence' (of which I should grab a few photos, hehe).
14 - That being known to a select and worthy group of people as 'spudman', Pete can be seen here in his natural habitat. Ain't he cute? (I can hear him now. "Ack! Cute, the kiss of death!")
15 - My brief flirtation with a tattoo; it's a bit blurry, because the picture was taken with our cruddy webcam, but it's a henna dragon there on my back. Boy that was some thick henna... took hours to dry, and didn't even dry completely. *grumble*
16, 17, 18, 19 - Collectively, what I call the 'Harmonic Convergence'. [16] Look, Sasquatch! No, actually that's just a shot of me and my hair. Sitting down. Before we got this sybaritic piece of furniture called a 'couch' from La-Z-Boy. [17] Sp'ud and his minions. Oh wait, that's Pete and the kids. ;) [18] Really, this is what a roleplaying session looks like. Honestly. Don't mind the [wo]man behind the curtain. [19] Anyone got any Visine handy? To be fair to Pete, this pic wasn't his fault. I've just got low lighting and his poor camera couldn't handle it. But I had to have it anyway.
20, 21 - Here's some more "Mona Elissa" pics, Dad. (Yes, I'm a smartass.)
Okay, one picture right on the page. I had to do it. How many times is someone ever put into a comic strip? (Brief explanation: Freelancers Flava is a strip that Asbjorn, AKA "Holy Bear" of RPG.net, used to write. Now he focuses much more on Tangency & Tangency Turf, but it's still funny stuff, despite and because of the in-jokes.)
Other Oddities
Poetry: Like many aspiring writers, I've got a collection of my own poetry. Good... bad... you be the judge.
Erotica: I have a weak spot for this stuff, heheh. I read only good, original works; I find I can't stand the 'might as well be a typical porno script' stories. They lack heart, they don't make me empathize or see anything but body parts. This is not to say that looking at 'naughty pictures' is bad, because it's not; it simply fails to keep my attention or interest after a few minutes unless there's some active participation. ;)