sometime in mid-2062, Emperor Nobodyman lies on his deathbed. the time has come to name a successor, but there is conflict within the imperial court.
the mostly-but-not-necessarily-absolutely-entirely-evil Baron Illicitus is arguing with Regent Green, one of Nobodyman's oldest and most trusted friends and associates, who used to work in the Black Beret Café well before Nobodyman became emperor. You might wonder why a mostly evil baron is allowed to be a member of Nobodyman's mostly-pretty-darn-good imperial court. Well, there's a nice little tale to go along with that, but i haven't wrote it yet. suffice to say, because of it at least one war has been averted.
Green has recently uncovered one of Illicitus's evil plots, in fact the biggest, worst one ever, quite probably. he will through it once and for all wrest control of Nobodyman's empire and rule it in the name of his own king and uncle, Devestus (with whose kingdom war would have taken place if the evil baron had not been given a position in Nobodyman's court; one of Nobodyman's own most trusted people likewise has a position in Devestus's royal court).
Green has rushed to the imperial palace to thwart the baron's evil plot, but is not sure whether he's too late or not. he's having it out right now with Illicitus.
"Baron, this is infamous! To do what you plan, to drive the last vestiges of sanity from the emperor... how dare you? And why? Surely you have been more than fairly treated always! There is no need of this, you will continue on in the court even after his death. And besides, his health is so poor, it has already been taking his mind to a degree. And his mind was never entirely sane to begin with! But at least he was intelligent, wise, and good. So why, why would you do this?"
"Because, Mr. Green, he was even still essentially, or near enough, in what passes for his right mind. I want to be emperor myself, and claim the empire as an official subject land of my uncle's kingdom. That was the plan all along, you bloody fools! Why should we waste precious resources in wars when we could simply have a little patience and take the empire so easily from within?"
"But... still... you don't know you wouldn't have become emperor through proper channels... he could have named you his successor."
The baron scoffed. "Ha! Everyone knows that Nobody, in his right mind, would make you emperor..."