Internet Chat - Look Who's Talking
*Chatters' Stories and Chat Handbook*
by Soft Myst

To order the book, click here: Order Here

Internet Chat – Look Who’s Talking is a layman’s guide to chatlines based on the experiences of real people. Hundreds of chatters, from all over the world, tell what chat is really all about. Anyone with the slightest interest in chat should find this book interesting and informative. If you want to know what’s happening in the chat world, you can find out here.

Soft Myst believes the news media has painted a poor picture of chatlines and she wrote this book to set the record straight. Gathering information by use of a survey, she has assembled the thoughts, feelings and experiences from people who actually talk online. Her book tells you what they had to say about chat and even what they want to warn others about.

Things you can learn from this book include:

* How to find chatlines
* About chat language and etiquette
* All about handles and why people choose them
* Do people really find love on chatlines?
* Acronyms; what they are and how to use them
* What people are saying and what they are doing
* Does cybersex really exist?

Chatters relate their personal thoughts and stories including:

* Friendship and love stories
* Funny stories
* Embarrassing stories
* Sad stories
* How chat has affected their lives
* Dangers and what to watch out for

Find out why people chat, where they chat, what they like about it and what mistakes they have made. Learn about chat from those that know all about it. And learn from their mistakes, too.

To order the book, click here: Order Here

Soft Myst is writing another book, so if you haven't filled out a survey already, please do so by clicking on the banner below:

Contact Soft Myst at: Email Soft Myst

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regarding this page and its links to:


Soft Myst wishes All of You
A Happy Chatting Day

This page was originated on July 4, 1998
This page was last updated on July 10, 1998