Aurian's Log Page

Aurian's log page. Had to happen sometime. I'm still considering this to be a temporary thing since I want to make my own background and such. I'm an art student, its what I do. So until then this will just have to do. *pout*


Healer Hall or \How did we end up in an Episode of ER?\ This is one of the first logs, I ever logged..well its the first Pern log. Once upon a time there was a young girl named Aurian, she was a healer. A sharding good healer. Some of my favorite people are involved... Kiyah and Ayanne.. as well as mention of Vytol. What Aurian would have done with herself had those dragons not shown up again.

April 27, 1998 Just another day at Healer Hall or what Happened to Aurian and Kharty while they were studying.. Fate steps in. Aurian and Kharty who are going to be seeing a lot of eachother for the next few turns meet for the first time... But that's not the only interesting thing to happen. Lots of favorite people in this one...

The Battle Royale Also know known as "Ash, Gimme my Pillow!!" Candidates.. Pillows.. Feathers.... Firelizards... Its a cocktail for trouble.

What happens when Candidates have too much free time Its another bad combination.. just add klah and mix...

Hatching at Telgar Weyr June 3,1998 Gold Leilanth & Bronze Prometh << My Name Is Kvasith!!!! >> 'Nuff Said!

'What is it with A'ser and Aurian?' I don't know. I don't know. But A'ser does get socked in the jaw in this one.

\Shall We Dance?\ N'ren, Aurian's Mentor, is an evil, evil man!

Greens are Sharding Insane Kassima recieves an unusal gift from Kvasith, who if he remembered would swear it was fish still.

The RumpRoast or Shake your Rump-ah Weyrlings and the Lava Lounge... Its all Kassima's Fault.

F'lar's Hairy L******* Not going to explain much.. just something about a throwrug.

Aurian & Nelia Get Tapped Little self explanitory... :)

The Tables are Turned Aurian's been tormenting a certain brownrider... he exacts his torment. Alls fair.....

We Didn't Start the Fire... K'tyn did. Men Suck...


Dragonrider's of Pern ©1967 Anne McCaffrey

All Characters ©1998 Their Players