My Web Backgrounds Page

Feel free to snag any or all of these backgrounds. They are either graphics which I snagged from the Web, or made myself, (marked with an asterisk).

Once loaded onto your page, these squares of background patterns will "tile" themselves to fill up the background of your Web page.

To download, (for PCs), click the RIGHT mouse button and choose "Save Image As," assign a name to it and click SAVE on the dialog box.
(Mac folks will have to figure things out for themselves in between system crashes.) (HA!)

BluDenim BluMaze ChineseFoil*

CityPlot2* LSD Blotter

Music2* Newspaper Painterly

Red Squares TV Static 1*

Rivets MotherBoard Yates*

If you experience any problems with either downloading or using these graphics, please E-mail me at and I'll try to help.
Click on the PICASSO to return to my main page.