Jon's Ascii Art Gallery & Misc.

(Ohh, what to do with an art minor!)


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Welcome to Shoreline's own ascii art doodle man. I feel like I want to spend too much time on the computer but I end up actually getting things done outside the internet. And lately, Jen and I bought a house so that takes me away from the computer even more! *smile... Although I did find the Hawaiian word for surf the other day. It is Nalu. My major was writing/literature but I find that I like to show my writing less than ascii art. I have put some writings here also so college was not wasted. Check out the NapQueen link below. (^: But first here is some ascii art that I did.
FYI (ascii = american standard code for information interchange.)
"Suspension Bridge"
(Made for a friend in structural engineering named Jiwai.)

             |                                                     |
            ===                                                   ===
          .'|X| `.                                              .'|X|`.
        .'  |X|   '                                            '  |X|~~`.
      .'    |X|     `.                                      .'    |X|~~~~`.
    .'      |X|       `.__________________________________.'      |X|~~~~~~`.

            |X|                                                   |X|
            |X|                                                   |X|
            |X|                                                   |X|
            |X|                                                   |X|
            |X|                                                   |X|
(Made for a friend's MUDD travels. (^:= Anyone can use it. YMMV.)

/> ( //-------------------------------------( (*)OXOXOXOXO(*>======================================\ ( \\---------------------------------------) \>

(That ate a lemon for the first time. Thanks to Neil Smith.)
        \\\_\                               &@&@&
(Going to Green Lake in Seattle when it rains. Thanks to David.)
                       888(    ""
         .o8888888888o. )88o

Then came the airplane days. Here's art of the new Boeing 777:
          BOEING    777          |
           DAYTIME               |
     ''''''-|---|--/    \==][^',_m_,'^][==/    \--|---|-''''''
                   \    /  ||/   H   \||  \    /
                    '--'   OO   O|O   OO   '--'
          BOEING    777          |
           DAYTIME               |
      LANDING GEAR UP          .-'-.
                              ' ___ '
                    ---------'  .-.  '---------
    _________________________'  '-'  '_________________________
     ''''''-|---|--/    \==--^',_ _,'^--==/    \--|---|-''''''
                   \    /        '        \    /
                    '--'                   '--'


Links to other sites on the Web

Friend who also does ascii art.
Ascii planes and helicopters.
Ascii Artist Index
Seattle Times Classifieds.
Your Hawaiin Name ?
Sexuality Information Database and Education. This is one of the web sites your parents go to when you ask them a sex-ed question that they don't know the answer to. (^:

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;    / \ ______-----\           ~-__~-~~~~~~--_             ~~--_ \    .
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 \    ~-----~    /  /~                             )  \    ~-----~    /
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"Tiny Mountain Bikes"
     _._-_   _._-_                ..,-*-~@~
    (*)&(*) (_)&(_)       .-*-*~~`
One Line Ascii-Art: (Inspired by marcelo, tissue & Albert Brandl.)
O//////])==============================    light sabre

%%%%@%%%%= watch or bracelet
o>-=~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^]][ sideways bungee bridge jumper smiley
(\) (\) 2 asprin for your headache
/\__o person lying down after many situps
||||||[::]||||||||||||| belt (This one won't work in WebIRC)
__/\o_ o water polo
]==[iiii]>----- syringe
<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>- necklace or bracelet
oxx(---------- small foil for fencing
<'))))>< <`)))))>< minnows
{^:= my favorite smiley
Random Quotes Pile (This tells a lot about a person, I think.)
NapQueen Story (Written for Erica Adams)
Some info you forgot about the 13 colonies
How To Get Your Fiber List
Some of Seattle's Haunted Places List: Posted for Lesa
206, 425, 253 Area Code Internet Providers
Internet Acronyms & Definitions For Everyone's Files or Wall
Time Magazine "Internet Article" Rebuttal
Some dreams I've had.
One page of a coloring book I am half done with.
Thanks for stopping by and if you are visiting or moving to Seattle and want a tour guide or help with directions or anything then my email link is below. Or if you can't email with the web then copy and paste it! *Take care*, Jon

Jon & Jen
Jen 2
Jen 3
Twig for Matt
Little Marble for Melissa
A fish .gif for Anna
A snake picture for Nick
A bowling picture for Beth aka Slam T
A skull .jpg for Reed
An old photo for Uncle Rick Hyatt
A flame .gif for K.
A photo .jpg for Mark

Alien sounds I made.
This quote is for Jen.
This is for Scully fans.
Email me

The midi file music you are hearing is from the movie BladeRunner. (If your browser can play .mid files) That featured Harrison Ford, Sean Young, Edward James Olmos, Daryl Hanna, Rutger Hauer and other wonderful actors and is worth watching if you have not seen it yet.

<BGSOUND SRC="bladerunner.mid"> This page hosted by GeoCities Get your own Free Home Page

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