
Jeffery Scott Campbell was born in East Towas, Michigan, but spent the majority of his years growing up in Denver, Colorado. Having drawn as long he can remember, he always knew he was going to pursue a career in art.

After graduating from high school with a vocational certificate in commercial art, Jeff spent a year and a half doing freelance work, from T-shirt designs to toy packages. He then sent in sample work in response to the Homage Studios talent search, and shortly thereafter became part of the crew.

Jeff's pencils can be seen regularly on Gen13, the most popular miniseries of 1994, which has become one of the hottest regular series of 1995. His major artistic influences are Jim Lee, Art Adams, Todd McFarlane, and Michael Golden.

Jeff says, "My favorite comics were always the ones with the most detail, the most visually dynamic, so I'm just trying to draw the kind of books I like to see."

© 1996 J.e.Garavito
Page provided by GEOCITIES.
GEN13 is © WildStorm Productions,1996.