Real Name: Percival Edmund Chang
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 250 lbs.
Measurements: Jean-Claude VanDamme's but 6" shorter
Age: 18

Gen-Factor: Metamorphic assimulation
Grunge can assimilate the properties of things he touches and thus turn himself into living stone, steel, water, or just about anything else. He has recently exhibited the ability to transform other people as well as himself. He is also naturally strong and has some martial arts skills.

History: His father was also a member of team 7 or maybe just part of project Genesis 12. He's real messy, doesn't like school, and is only interested in comics, pizza and girls. He also has a photografic memory. He also has a thing for Caitlin (and almost every girl that he sees), but he's tied to Roxy (which ain't that bad ;).

I'll have more details on Grunge, later.

© 1996 J.e.Garavito
Page provided by GEOCITIES.
GEN13 is © WildStorm Productions,1996.