Citizens of Zan-Kel that are not taken!

This/these character/s is not occupied as yet,characters that are occupied will have their names 'blinking' on the passages.Occupying a character would mean putting up your email address so that the other guests who visit the Inn can virtually talk to you via email messages.We know its not as advanced as chat sites which we are going to put up in a while so please bare with us. Would you like to occupy his/her place?Or Create your own character to be part of the story?
Just send K-Lerb your :

Hear Ye!Hear Ye!The Laws of Zan-Kel are as follows!:

  1. Much as K-Lerb would like to,the organizer's that so generously donated this page does not allow any nudity or pornographic materials to be put up.
  2. Characters must be 'clean',aside from the occasional romance.
  3. K-Lerb does however allow a certain degree of soliciting,depending on your ability to write and our ability to accept.
  4. All fictional characters created must be within the guidelines of the story.Read the Legend of The Gate Keeper's Inn to know more.
  5. There will be a minimal amount of vulgarity (again much to the dismay of the Innmaster).
  6. Your stories can extend to what happens beyond the Inn,but the characters must always be back at the Inn or leave from the Inn.
  7. K-Lerb holds the right(with your permission) to change some parts of the stories so that everyone's stories can tie together.If you would like to be informed of the changes,please state in your email.
  8. And lastly all characters are to be fun,enjoyable and in a total dreamlike manner!

I agree with the laws : (altough I would love to have more reference to 'romantic' materials but when you're in Zan-Kel,do what the Zan-Kelians do...)

Rooms to let!

These rooms are not ready or are not open to the public.To book or open the room,you have to appeal to the Innmaster K-Lerb.
To have your own room,please write to K-Lerb telling him what you would like your room to have.Those eligible to have the room will receive further instructions.There is no charge or fee to pay.

I agree with the laws : (altough I would love to have more reference to 'romantic' materials but when you're in Zan-Kel,do what the Zan-Kelians do...)