Many people live in the city. It has been occupied for hundreds of years, and for those
hundreds of years nothing has been torn down. Only in unfortunate accidents have buildings
ever been removed. When a building gets weak and threatens to crumble the people rush in to replace rotted timbers with steel or sandy brick with sure concrete. The advantage of this is that as more room is needed the new structures can be built on top of the old ones and if it is not convenient to do this they can, of course, be built on the outskirts, stretching out instead of up. The city was originally in a valley and over hundreds of years it grew to eventually fill the valley completely. It is now starting to move toward the distant mountains, and when it gets there it will grow upwards and eventually reach the peaks and perhaps spill over... The city is basically one huge and extraordinarily complex structure. The tallest towers reach far above the rim of the valley. These are connected by covered tunnels so that the effect is of the edifices growing together. These tunnels occur at several levels in each building and often connect to different adjoining structures at each level. New levels are often built on top of completed buildings without the intent of connecting the levels together by a stairwell or elevator, instead treating them as extensions of the other building. leave descend |