The markings on the street lead straight ahead. It's a symbol of utter beauty. There are no turns nor breaks. It's a long straaight road. The markings onn the street leead straight aheaad. They suggest that there is no alternative way. No alternativve. A single roadd for all to follow. Exxit. a ssimplle paath forrr all. A single rrooad foor alll to follllooooow.
Whhhat weee arrrre allll aaaaaaffter. Withhhhouuut tuurns or
alternaaaativesss. Nooothing to deccccide nothhingg to decccide nothinggg tooo
wonnnnder about a cooww wheeere doo cowws go att nighhhht annnd nowwwwonder.
Thhis isss a niicee
thhoughhht - wherrrwas iiii? yeeeahh
thhhat woullld bee niccce to live withhhhhhout
decissssssions to be made i wannnnto doooo that hypodizzinnng maaaaarkings maaake youtireeed
tootiired to
thiiinkk probbbbably.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnn -
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</log of sleepiness>