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An Interactive Art Project- You're invited to participate!

How can the cyberartist, or artist who makes virtual art for online audiences, make your 'Net surfing more enjoyable, relaxing, more colorful, more enriched?

Some effort to answer such questions can be found at www.lastplace.com . There's a virtual art museum of my work there. Check it out.

For now, how about YOU participating in an attribute of 'cyberart', that of inviting the browser to interact with the art to make it 'work' online. Here's how:

Design your personal homepage banner by the following guidelines and limitations. Think of it as a kind of family coat of arms or as a flag staking you little cyberplot on the Web.
Keep design very simple with not more than 4 colors, gradients OK. Submit the design and your URL address to cyberstaff@lastplace.com. Consider it then recognized as now part of a global collection of homepage family flags or banners, all part of the 'WWW.Homepage Flags'.

Submit as GIF file 100(width)x70(ht) pixels. No blurry flags please! Only the best designs (for cyberspace in general) may be selected and posted online in the interactive art gallery of the virtual musuem. The images included in this cyber interactive art piece will become part of the permanent art collection of the museum and thereby stay online as exhibit indefinitely.

Post your flag on your homepage and link it if you want to its replica in the composite graphic 'album' of homepage flags at www.lastplace.com .

Deadline: undecided at this time, 1 flag submission per URL.

If you don't have an URL then enjoy visiting the Web sites of the flags you like.

Any questions, email me at pygoya@geocities.com or just visit my art studio at http://geocities.datacellar.net/SoHo/9650

Have fun, be creative, enjoy your surfing!


This is a "mirrored" page of the original invitation to participate in this global homepage art project posted at Pygoya's virtual home away from home at Town Square 2000.