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Reader Feedback from Daniel D. Williams

"Thanks, Daniel," from Sandy L.

Ten more reasons to tell that your boat is too big (for your car as it's tow vehicle).

1. If you hitch the boat to the car and the car does a permanent wheelie.

2. You get to the marina and they classify your car as an auxillury anchor.

3. Maximum speed with a tailwind is 15 MPH.

4. You build an addition to your carport for the boat and it's bigger than half the house.

5. The wind passing over the boat prop causes enough turbulence to bring warnings from the Federal Aviation Administration.

6. You ask the dealer for a towing vehicle recommendation and he refers you to the diesel truck department.

7. The cost of the payments for the boat are larger than the house and car combined.

8. You call Triple A and they fix your flats by unhitching the boat.

9. You get pulled over by the RMP for missing the entry load scales, and they put the ticket on the boat because they can't see the car.

10. You pull in for gasoline and the station attendant tells you they don't service ocean liners.

And I thoroughly enjoy the postings from your newsletter. A friend of mine came up with a sixteenth way to tell if your computer was formerly owned by a redneck. (I live in redneck country BTW. Southeast Missouri.)

16. You find they used lard to grease the keyboard and hard-drives.


Daniel D. Williams

Senior Marketing Director, Millenial Advances

"Microsizing into the 21st century."

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