Ideally, a fishing crew should be comprised of carefully chosen, special people who can rise above the petty grievances that normally crop up after a group of mariners spends too much time together on a floating hull that seems to get smaller with each passing hour, and despite minor disagreements continue to exhibit enthusiasm and camaradrie, supporting and assisting each other in all their endeavors. It's either that or the Captain has to put something into the drinking water tank.
Playing music on a boat will othen soothe a unruly crew. (Note: Turning off the music will often have the same effect.)
A smart captain will never forget to remind his crew that in order for them to be happy, ultimately he too has to be happy.
Every crew should remember that it takes less than a day for a smiling, cheerful crew to drive the average Captain completely insane.
A great Captain is one who knows how to inspire his crew to band together in a common effort. (Preferably, though, that cause is not a mutiny.)
*From Seven Out of Ten Missing Fishhooks Will Eventually Be Found In An Angler's Thumb
c 1998 S. Lindsey
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