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15 Clues That You Bought Your Used Computer from a Redneck

by Sandy Lindsey

1. Instead of beeping when you make a mistake, the computer makes a belching sound.

2. The Windows menu has an outhouse instead of a trash icon.

3. He bookmarked 46 Elvis Lives sites.

4. There are chewing tobacco stains on keyboard.

5. His Windows wallpaper is a rebel flag.

6. His password was JackDaniels.

7. This computer is both brother and father to the one he replaced it with.

8. There's a sticky fly strip hanging on one side of the monitor.

9. There's a ratty racoon tail hanging on the other side of the monitor.

10. There's a large dent in the CPU covered with grey truck primer.

11. You still get automatic e-mail in his name every morning from the Jim Beam site.

12. The boot-up music is from "Smokey and the Bandit."

13. There's an "I've Been To Graceland" sticker on the side of the CPU.

14. On the other side of the CPU is a beer can holder.

15. The computer monitor has a Harley Davidson tattoo.

c 1997 Sandy Lindsey

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