My Skins Page :o)

To download the Skins

1. Create a file for each skin. To do this start from desk top. My computer.... c drive.... programs.... Yahoo!.... messenger/pager.... skins(you will know your in the right place when you see default, games and custom). Go to top left corner of page, under file. Click on new, and then new folder. Right click on words 'new folder' to rename folder anything you wish.

2. Click on skin you want from the following pages. This will show a from 5/8 files, background, friend_toolbar, online_user, offline_user, friend_root and friend_groupopen. Down load all 5/8 files into the new folder you created.

3. Open up your Yahoo! pager. At top click on edit. Go to preferences then click on the appearances tab. Down near the bottom is current theme, click on the arrow besides the window, click on the name of your new folder, hit apply at bottom then OK. This should change the skin of your pager to the one you down loaded. If it hasn't please check steps 1 and 2. ( NOTE: if you have the newer versions of messenger you can also change the color of the font on your pager from here by clicking on the color bar below the skins theme window)

To down load the Wave Files

1. To create a file to place the wavs in start from desktop. My computer...c drive...program At top of page click on file, then folder, then new. Name this folder sounds.

2. Click on the skin with the sounds you want and download the wav. files (online, offline, mess, mail) to this new folder.

3. Bring up pager. Click on edit and then preferences. Click on friends. Use the browse button besides the ear to find your file. The top window is for the online wav file, the bottom window is for the offline wav file. Hit apply. Click on the message tab. Browse besides the ear to find your file and place the mess wav file here. Hit apply. Go to the mail tab. Browse besides the ear to find your file and place the mail wave file here. Hit apply Then ok. This should change the sounds used




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This Yahoo! Messenger Skins Ring site is owned by Amy.
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