These photos were taken when I was part of the 81st Military Working Flight. We were the 408 Airmen that volunteered to stay at Keesler after Katrina hit. We were instrumental in recovering the base thus helped Keesler be able to become the base of operations for the major Katrina Relief missions.
This is when I was leader for Team 17. Note the Green Rope, I had just become an Airman Leader (Rope) about a week before Katrina. Now, I'm wearing Yellow and have my eyes on Red. Don't remember why I was protecting the "boys" but better safe than sorry. Who said Combat Photographers aren't dangerous?
This is myself with my good friend McClellan. He is also in Ground Radio. As with the other pictures, we are preparing ourselves for a full, hard day of work by trying to be light hearted.
This is Airman Chase talking to me as I load up my gear. Chase was in my Electronic Principles Class, but is in Wide Band/Sattelite Comm so went to Fort Gordon for follow-on training. Note the MRE (Meal Ready to Eat) and water bottle, in addition to the 3 liters I carried on my back. September was a brutal in Mississippi.