The Five Paragraph Essay

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Writing Prompt - Expository

These are just prompts with no additional information to guide one in thinking.

The Telephone

The telephone has become a most important part of everyone's life. Most of us have difficulty imagining what it could be like to live without it.

Write a five-paragraph essay explaining how the American family uses it for business, pleasure, and emergencies. Assume that this will be published as a part of an encyclopedia article.

Writing Prompt - Expository

The Best Teacher

Each of us had a teacher that we consider to have been really good. It may not have been a person that we really like at the time. But, in looking back, we realize that that person presented and saw to it that we knew some things that would be really important. Sometimes it was how that person presented things and not just what opportunities were supplied. That person does not have to be a classroom teacher. Think about that person and the reasons that they are positively memorable.

Write a five-paragraph essay and explain why this person is an excellent teacher.

Writing Prompt - Expository

An Effect on my Life

The arts (music, art, drama, dance etc,) and sports have important effects on people's lives. When begun at a young age, they can be pursued for a long time and can shape future interests, careers, and life styles. One does not have to become a superstar, but the effect can be there and shown in many ways.

Choose one of the arts or a sport and explain how it could shape a person and influence one's life if begun when one is young.

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