Two Paths

I met him
And he seemed to have
Risen out of the beautiful waters
That belong to the gods,
Under the moonlight.

He met me
And I seemed to have
Been created out of
The pure powers of Goodness,
Beneath the lavender sky,

We fell in love
And it seemed to have
Happened near the beautiful waters and Good powers,
Under the moonlight and beneath the lavender sky,
Meant to be eternal.

But he hurt me many times
And it seemed like
A million sharp knives
Hit my heart at the same time,
Under the moonlight and beneath the lavender sky.

Two paths were created
And it seemed that
The one leading to me was near the Goodness
And the other went to the painful waters of the warrior gods,
Under the moonlight and beneath the lavender sky.

He chose the other
And it seems that out love
Wasn't truly meant to be eternal,
Yet I wait for his choice,
Under the moonlight and beneath the lavender sky. 1