Hello and welcome! This is still in the progress of being built (and always will be), but hopefully there'll be something to interest you- I've got a photo album to see, and my more-often-than-it-used-to-be-updated diary-type-thing... and hey, if I bore you to tears, there's a few back doors you can escape from.

What's coming up???

Hmmmm... what excuses do I have for myself? Well, I spent NEw Year's in London... which was pretty cool. (to say the least) And, my computer monitor got broken in my recent move, so I can no longer access the net from home. (well, I could... I just wouldn't see it.)

But! Go check out the graphics section. Wander around, let me know what you think, ect. ect., la la la.

Warning! This site now uses tables!!! Please make sure that you have a compatible browser. Netscape is best, and I think that Micro$oft Explorer is table-compatible too.

Download Netscape Now!

All about yours truly

Where my online writings live.
Updated 3/2/00

More links than there used to be.
Updated 11/23/99

A brand new set of pictures!!!

I got an award!!!!

Some of my 'real-life' writings.

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You are visitor # since June 23rd, 1998, when I finally got the damn counter to work.
Background from somewhere I don't remember. But if I ever do, I'll let you know.