nothing here

      Thanks for stopping by... I'm Carolie, and this is my "place of experimentation". Hopefully, things will change considerably over time. At the moment, I'm using this space for learning HTML as a straight code, without a Web page creating program, just so I can learn.

*UPDATE* It's been a while since I put up this, my very first page. No time for real updating, but it's nice to know it's here! Enjoy the stories...I'll post more one of these days.         I live in the mountains of North Carolina, and am a writer both as an occupation and as a calling. I'm also a freelance if you have any good tales that you feel should be "carried on" in the oral tradition, e-mail them to me!

            WordMagic is my storytelling sideline, and I'm available to tell stories in the NC/SC/GA area (or anywhere if you want to pay the plane fare!) In any event, what follows is not particularly interesting, but was fun for this former outdoor education teacher/computer illiterate to post.

            Hopefully, this page will evolve as time goes on into a forum for those who believe in the magic of storytelling. If you want to find wonderful books about storytelling, or tapes of stories being told, check out Amazon, below. Thanks for visiting...and please sign my guestbook!

Some of the stories I've written for those I love...

Kit's Story

The Lady Who Wore Many Hats

The Radiant Little Star

The weather here at home...
Click for Tryon, North Carolina Forecast

You need Java to see this applet.

Click here for a brief bit about the service club in which I'm honored
to be a member...

dot My picture (an old one..wanted to see how B&W looked...)

e-mail me if you like...


dotThe Nantahala--one of many places of magic here in the North Carolina Mountains. Has a similar place inspired any stories in you?

Nantahala River

This guy is a rather cool photographer in Asheville NC
(though not as cool as my Dad...his page coming soon).

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