The New Paradigm Oracle: Feedback Form

Send Feedback and Submit Poem or Fiction.

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Check adjacent box if you like each poem in "The New Paradigm Oracle."

Which work do you like best?

"Forklift Driving Woman" "Inside the Bell Pepper Mandala" "Track Talk" "Paper Prisoner"
"UFO Haiku" "Age of the Jaguar" "This Woman is Walking Outside" "Haiku, v.1"
"Bureaucratic Haiku" "Paradigm Shift" "Pilgrimage" "The Night of Orange Lights"
"Prejudice" "When Seattle Rained" "Choosing" "Me Big Print Journal"
"Me, The Poet" "Today" "Our Mother" "Sequoia"
"The Field of Stones" "St.Jude Thaddeus" "The Jelly Fish and the Samurai" "The Fatal Logon"

Which topics interest you? (Depress CNTRL key to select 2 or more topics.) Write Feedback or Submit Poem or Fiction:

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