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The Cedar Park High School Timberwolf Band earned "State Champion" honors at the November 5, 2001 Class 4A State Marching Band Contest at Floyd Casey Stadium in Waco

"Leander ISD is abuzz with excitement about the Cedar Park High School Band's State Championship. The 210-member CPHS Band's historic achievement sets a standard of excellence that will be felt for years across our district. We congratulate then on a job well done."

Tom Glenn.- Superintendent LISD

"About 200 Class 4A bands throughout Texas strove to make it to the state competition and were weeded out through regional and area competitions. In the end, only seven made it to the last stage.

Michelle M. Martinez

Austin American-Statesman

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Hill Country News

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The Cedar Park High School Timberwolf Band is directed by Ron Morrison, assisted by Steve Wessels, Ronnie Pruitt, Paul Garretson and Brigitta Baker.

We had a great evening tonite ...Niki's band performed their marching program for the parents in the school gym.  The local newspaper Austin American Statesman covered the event - so we hope to have some more clippings for the ole scrapebook soon.

Every band member was awarded a BIG (and I do mean BIG) gold medal for winning the state championships.

Then Niki and about 5 other students were given a special ceremony as induction to the National Honor Society - they missed the original ceremony due to State Marching contest.

I did not get digital pics of the NHS induction but will scan a couple of "regular" photos in, when the film is developed.

Alek was a true fan - attending all of niki's performances - and grandpa was kind enough to pick us up!  Poor dad had to be at a shoot for a film he is working on and grandma had church activities ... but they were there in spirit.

Niki's evening ended with  flowers sent from uncle ron and his family.

Needless to say - she felt like the queen bee this evening but after all her hard work musically and academically - we'll let her rule for one night :)

The bleachers were very high up. Niki is the one in the middle, in front of the middle drum in the back,
and surrounded by tall guys - one guy had a  big afro that I had a hard time shooting around.

Stadium Floyd Casey in Waco ready for CPHS Band to make its triumphant entrance

Opening set

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Final Results

Conference AAAA Floyd Casey Stadium Waco, Texas
School and Band Director    Music Judges Marching Judges Score Rank
Bradley Shine Weiss Toups Vollmer
Cedar Park H.S.  (Ron Morrison)   1 1 2 1 1 6 1
Poteet H.S (Scott Coulson) 2 2 6 2 2 14 2
Grapevine H.S  (Steve Andre) 3 4 4 3 3 17 3
Dickinson H.S (*) 5 6 3 4 4 22 4
Lopez H.S  (George Trevino) 4 3 5 6 6 24 5
Belton H.S  (Mark Nalley) 7 5 1 7 5 25 6
New Braunfels H.S (**) 6 7 7 5 7 32 7

  (*) W.MacDonald, R. Jakubas, J. Hinojosa, R. Baker, M. Pérez **Beth Bronk, Randy Leifeste, Ed González

Judges for the 2001 State Marching Band Contest

Raydell Bradley Pacific Lutheran University, WA
Dick Clardy Klein HS
Gordon Henderson Univ. of California-Los Angeles, CA
Garland Markham Cobb County Public Schools, GA
Scott McAdow Langham Creek HS, Houston
Michael C. Robinson Fort Hays State University, KS
Tom Shine Duncanville HS
Rob Toups Canton HS
Ferd Vollmer North East ISD, San Antonio
Scott Weiss Lamar University, Beaumont

Data Courtesy of  UIL

Sir Speedy Inc.

TruGreen LandCare

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