I think everyone should be. Few people belong to a political party in Canada and fewer still vote. Our record of voting turnout is not as bad as some countries, but it certainly isn't at a level that it should be. To vote is to speak and anyone who says "Don't vote ... it only encourages them" denies themselves their democratic rights. I don't know why you would do that. One vote in many historic situations has made a difference. In Canada, we need some changes to our election system, many individuals in the West feel their vote is unimportant and at the least not very influential. Get in touch with your Member of Parliament and tell him/her that this is a big issue to you. Many individuals are working on this problem and with your help (yes your help!) we can create an even better process of having the people heard. I am not only interested in politics in Canada, but always keep an eye on the world arena. Many political policies of other countries impact hugely on our Canadian way of life. Canadians are far too silent on the world scene ... we must continue to speak up and speak out against many actions of other countries. Canada can and has shown the world the way to peaceful settlement, but many countries consider Canada an insignificant force. This is classic underestimating your enemy (hehehe). Canadians live in many countries, but because we are so quiet and polite, no one notices us. Look at this "Famous Canadians" link and you'll see what I mean. Many of these famous Canadians seldomly declare their nationality and individuals in the countries they reside in are always surprised and amazed to learn "they're a Canuck". So get involved, shout a bit, but at the least get involved in the political process, register in a party, or start your own party. |
I wish I could find a site that lists all the episodes in the series *sigh*. There was one on geocities, but it's no longer active. How will I ever know if I've seen them all! Here's my SouthPark page Return to top |
Visit my highly opinionated page. Return to top |
I'm no longer on 24/7 like when I first began chatting four years ago, but I do enjoy my time spent on Dalnet! Do a /whois on Angelhair to see if I'm online! My mIRC page with information and links about the wonderful world of IRC chat :-) Return to top |
Now lots of women worry about their weight or their hair or a myriad of other physical flaws they may actually or illusionarily think they have. I am pretty much at ease with all this, except for my toenails. Now I never used to be so focused on them, except when I was younger and had made the mistake of cutting them wrong and got terribly painful ingrown ones. Lately however, probably because it's summer and my friends are seeing my poor pinkies unclothed, they've been picking on them. *SOB* These so called friends (hehe) have even gone so far as to say they are the ugliest things they've ever seen. WOW! This is a huge burden for me to carry around, or walk on. How can one deal with such horror at the ends of their toes? My goodness I'm even surprised I still have friends brave enough to go out with me, holding the knowledge that at any moment, I could whisk off my socks and freak out the entire population on the West Coast of Canada. Could I contract myself out as a secret weapon for some developing country? What should I do? Should I ashamedly keep them covered at all costs, or risk it all and show the world the horror? |
*NOTE: All my poetry has been copyrighted and registered through a process known in Canada as the Queen's copyright. If you'd like to know about this simple process to copyright your work, e-mail me. |
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