arrowgraph-c.jpg (9440 bytes)

Free Graphics Archive


Welcome to the Archive! Here you will find a growing assortment of original images that I have created for personal, non-commercial use. The Archive is categorized, allowing you to find graphics in your area of interest. Each category (or subcategory, in most cases) contains orbs, icons, bars, and/or seamless tiles suitable for wallpaper and other backgrounds. (Note that all non-rectangular images have been created for use on a black background.)

Here's the deal.
You can use these images freely for personal web pages or any other personal, non-profit project you might have. You can redistribute them - who am I to stand in the way of dissemination? You can also alter them at will; change the hue, shrink them, wash them out, put them on a white background, whatever you want. If you use them, a link back to this site is appreciated but is not necessary I do ask for recognition and a link back here if you want to redistribute any of them as part of another archive or links page. If you would like to use these or any other of my images for commercial purposes, please contact me at and we can work something out.

You may notice that a few of the tiles are a bit jaggy and show some compression effects. This is because I have compressed the tiles down to around 10K each (no more than 16K) for faster loading. If you would like a higher resolution version of any image here, email me and I'll send you a copy.

I update the Archive every two weeks or so (time and life permitting - lately it's been closer to once a month or so) and so will be progressively filling in any categories that are presently empty. Check back regularly to see the latest additions.

If you want to know more about why the archive was created and what I hope to achieve with it, click here.


Leaf-c.JPG (5587 bytes) smbolt-c.JPG (3200 bytes) thrustalone-sc.JPG (5536 bytes) Earglss-c.jpg (4021 bytes)
Nature Man-Made Abstract Body Parts
painticonnotext-c.jpg (8557 bytes)
Fine Art


The Archive was last updated:
May 01, 1999

Previous Updates:
April 28, 99
April 12, 99
Mar 04, 99
Feb 28, 99
Jan 02, 99
Oct 03, 98
Sept 15, 98
Aug 30, 98
Aug 01, 98
July 12, 98


What's that you say? Can't be bothered with an icon interface? You have a slow modem?
In a hurry? In that case, use the Archive's Text Interface to take you to the page you're looking for.


There are currently 437 images in the Archive
(I double-checked and did a hand count - the previous estimation was a little over-generous)


struck-vsc.jpg (11337 bytes) Home Portfolio Free Graphics Links Quotes Biz