Holy spirit in the midst.
Christ in the middle - must be the center.
Built on the rock - a firm foundation.
Alter filled with praying saints - repenting sinners - needs being met at the alter, healings, Holy Spirit baptisms.
Word church - based on word - preached from pulpit.
River flowing through the body - right down the middle of the sanctuary - river of healing to the community.
Harvest fields the forefront of the church - a missions minded church.
Hands raised
in praise and worship, reaches beyond the walls of the building - up reach.
Two hands
of out reach - touching the world. Spreading the
fire - hand to hand, house to house.
The world is the vision, world on fire from the work of the church. Fire of evangelism, fire of the holy spirit.
Flood gate of heaven, a two way stream - multitudes touched by the church's mission appear as a stream or sea drawn to God and streams of God's blessings flowing from heaven. God's presence as a light-a cloud-mist touching the earth.
Narrow door - upper right corner - we all must work out are own salvation - need to get close to the fire to enter in.
Dark storm - spiritual warfare - battle always close to the fire.
Windows of heaven - one open - one closed. One appears closed - perhaps a trial or battle. But the Holy Spirit is still there. Fire is being ignited, kindled, ready to burst out on the world - seeing through the glass darkly - closed only for a season. Open window blessings flow - Holy Spirit is moving freely in the church, miracles released.
New Jerusalem
coming, rev:2-1.
of life flowing from the middle of the city, rev22.
Sword of the Spirit -
spiritual warfare, eph:6.
Shield of faith.
God is our sun and shield.
Sky in right edge of picture represents the eastern sky.
Three windows
represent a three tiered universe, heaven.