INTERPRETATION:  Each relationship we go through leaves it's unique spiritual mark.  Good or bad. Broken relationships are like soul tattoos. Our hearts are marked and no outward attempts to wash the tattoos away will work. So many people go right out after one failed relationship and try another one.  Hence a new tattoo covering the old one, but after a period of time the old tattoo will start to bleed through the new one.  So a search will be underway for a prettier tattoo. Then a new relationship (tattoo) will be added over the others. Many people add multiple tattoos (relationships) one right on top of another, without first dealing with the previous tattoos.

The heart is being pulled away in four directions. (arrows)

The demon is pushing the heart apart. Satans agent to steal kill and destroy.

The darts represent Satans flaming arrows which must be resisted by faith. (Eph 6:16)

The dart board is the mind. That's where the battle is and Satans arrows attack.

The crevice of  the broken heart is quickly filled by Satan. (represented by the snake) The devil will use relationships or any other opportunity to try and destroy a life.

Tear drop represents hurt and brokenness that only God can wipe away.

Apple represents temptation. For a woman it may be another man or for a man another woman.

REDEMPTION:  Nail the serpent (Satan) to the cross where he belongs. And keep him there-under the blood.

Make sure that the heart is pointed toward the cross.

Deal with your tattoos from the inside out. No amount of soap and water can wash them away . Only God can deal with the heart. Let the  Holy Spirit do a purifying work with his fire. 1