The Barn

Danger Zone

*You walk across the courtyard to a large wooden building, painted blue and white.* Welcome! I'm going to give you a guided tour of all parts of the barn area and all the cyberpets and real pets in it. I hope you like cats, because I'm telling you right now, there are a lot of them here. My dad doesn't like them, so I can't have any real ones. I've got more real animals, I just need to get the pictures scanned...

After all that, you can see the animals now! *You follow me to a small clear pool to the right of the front barn doors. It is surrounded by atractive rocks and a small willow tree leans over it. Looking down, you see...*
This is my fish, Reggie. I couldn't think of a better place to put him so he's the first creature you get to see. I have two other fish, some betas, which seem loath to be seen currently, but Reggie is quite outgoing. He also has the distinction of being named after a snake who made a brief appearance in "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark"...I might be mistaken about the title but the snake's name was Reggie.

Duke Cool

This place is getting decidedly fishy. This is Duke, and he's a danio. He's a little lazier than Reggie but he does look good. You can get a danio by clicking here if you want one.

The Kennel
The Pasture
The Mini-Serengeti
The Shade Tree
The Cave Behind the Barn
The Fairy Glen
The Castle on a Cloud
The Mists

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