Cold Hands Warm Heart

A Sister's Love

This was written for me by my sister Pam

"Why?" she thought as she stood looking in the mirror.
"What's the reason?" she asked herself out loud
The young mothers baby had been born blind. She had
felt it from the start, since that first time she
gazed into the little dark pools of ice.
She had known, but consciously refused to admit it.
Her older sister brought it to her attention
at every meeting. "How cruel" the young mother
would think, but now she understood it was out of love
and concern. Actually now that it was a reality, she was glad
of her sister's persistance. It seemed much easier
to accept than she had imagined, for it wasn't
a surprise anymore. Now it was just a confirmation.
The vicious sting had been eased.
Maybe, too, it was easier because it didn't
matter. The beautiful baby had no sight,
but she was still a child of God
with a heart and soul, and so much love to give.
The little baby girl smiled and played
and grew just as she should. The child knew
nothing of her handicap and never would comprehend
what was lost. Of this, the young mother was greatful.
But the question still burned. Why?
Those sad, searching eyes that would miss
all the pretty pink lace party dresses
miss all the dolls and animals that would never
make her screech with childish joy. She would
never know what a rainbow was.
A starry summer night would not shine
for this beautiful little girl. The foaming ocean waves
washing the seashore were meant for all the others.
The young mother stood looking in the mirror
for what seemed an eternity.
Finally she knew why the image would not let her leave.
The Promise
It was not a hard promise to make.
Rather, the young mother gladly made it.
She promised to make sure the child knew
what a rose was. Not just the smell,
but to see it in her mind. She would
somehow teach the child to see the sunset over
the ocean and to know the beauty of
a big black horse.
The child would not be blind.
She had been born without sight.
But she would not be blind.

Cold Hands Warm Heart
Heaven's What I Feel
I Will Remember You
The Morning

A Favorite Place:
Rod's Bar

A Beautiful Story By Someone I Know:
About an on line Love
The Pond

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