When I'm home I'll look for you , Everywhere..... And try to find you there..... My home is poetry , My life will slow to read it And slowly begin to write it , Always searching , there for you..... To pause and savor life , And know how it feels To be tuned to life again , Searching , always for you..... My home is not a place But an oft' forgotten pace , A slowing of the races Joy etched on winning faces The gathering of all traces..... As I slow and hear the music Of life's journeys as they're finished , Watching while the storms subside Life's filters slow my weeping , Still searching for a glimse of you.... But if you are here ....you must be sleeping.....
page 1 - Aquarius page 2 - Bleeding Hearts page 3 - This Day page 4 - Winds Of Joys page 5 - My Son...The Dead One page 6 - Better Each Day page 7 - On a nearby Hill page 8 - Drowning page 9 - Love's First Branches page 10 - The Bird Of Love page 11 - Barron Flowers page 12 - The Purest Heart page 13 - I Asked Too Much