SPM He'll Sing (In Every Song)
He'll sing in every song
Wishing he has the very strong
Mistakes are never a care
Coz' object him is nobody's dare
Let's give a big disruption
Suffer him and leave no option
As who speaks falsehood act no good
He thinks... insanely
Anybody below is anybody under
Once he goes thunder
Anybody super would be a blunder
And then
He pretends being pity and sorrow
Saying, " He's the criminal, I'm the hero"
The words to say, the slogan to prey
But it never ends...
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Loads and guns making their way
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Every citizen have less to say
Human rights can no longer
Have lights for now and after
We make the raise from earth to space
He'll sing in every song
Thinking that nothing is so wrong
Claiming the Great Pharaoh...
Is the world's Great Leader of Just
Indeed he's getting no trust
Though the world of dust which won't last
SPM who speaks no good stands without foot
He thinks... insanely
In any how he desire to hold millions of gold
Even it has to cost for billions of souls
He only know one way...
When he wants anyone
He'll make them to say
"I want it that way"
by Ibnu Khuzaimah