This year we expect to purchase one more female king snake and a female rosy boa. They will either be this year's snake, or last year's snake, or at the most they will be born in the year 2000. This summer we will do no breeding. Depending on the age of the snakes that we will have the following summer, we might attempt to breed any mature female snakes. We do not need to rush into this, however, so we will not be disappointed if we will have to wait until the summer following. When we do breed, we will breed at least two clutches of kingsnake eggs, and one litter of Rosy Boa babies. These snakes will be sold at reptile shows, to pet stores, to friends, or we will just keep the babies. By the time we actually start breeding snakes, our mouse production will be increased to two cages of 1.9 mice, possibly three. We will of course try to convert our snakes to eating frozen/thawed mice from the moment of their first feeding so that we have no difficulties later on.
Snakes are fun, and we enjoy watching them move. They are not cuddly like cats or dogs, they do not come when they are called, or even remember their owners like other animals, but this doesn't change their interest for us.