I got a lot of things for this website from a lot of
obscure places and I would like to list them here, in
no particular order. Each on its own is certainly
worth visiting. Please do so. Beyond what you see
on my Home Page, I needed pictures as I tried to
illustrate my fiction. I got these pictures from
various places.
Every picture of the lovely Joyce Summers (Kristine
Sutherland)--she's truly an eye-gift to the men
of the world--comes from the amusing and enjoyable
"World's Greatest TV Mom" site. You will have a good
time reading
the quirks that are listed for this charming
character. I did. Hank Summer's picture is from
there also. Here's the link:
Then I ran into the "Cross and Stake" site from which
I obtained the picture of the Clown and the picture
of the Master. This site had an insider Behind the
Scenes section that showed some of the preparations
for and applications of Todd McIntosh's Emmy
Award-winning make-up. Fascinating. You have to
admire the painstaking (good word to parse) work of
Todd and of this excellent Website. Here's the
The picture of Angel (David Boreanaz) is from:
The large picture of Oz (Seth Green) is from:
I went looking for a Snyder picture and ended up at
the Armin Shimmerman site from which I expropriated
(I don't know--don't ask, don't tell) a picture of
the amazing Armin, but, unfortunately, it doesn't look a lot like Snyder. But I used it anyway, as the Snyder in my story is a little schizophrenic. The link to the site honoring this wonderful actor is:
Official Armin Shimerman's Web Site
So, I still needed another Snyder, and I came upon
(stumbled over) a "BtVS Official Site" fellow "Posting Board" poster, Sarah W., who has this obsession (I love obsessed people) that her site should contain wholly self-generated Buffy stuff, at least as much as humanly possible. She invited me on over (remember--not to be done with a vampire) to her site for a Snyder and a Darla (sounds intriguing). Unfortunately I couldn't get very far with my browser (webtv), but I felt there was probably a Snyder and Darla there somewhere as she had a lot of vidcaps (video captures). I mentioned my browser problem to Sarah W., and this saintly person moved heaven and earth (java-scripted Spoiler Warnings) to allow me access, and the Snyder (standing between Cordelia and Xander) was mine-heh heh heh. I also found a nice Darla that was crucial to my story. And, I couldn't resist a Willow (on Oz's lap next to Buffy)--the Willow was like Peanut Butter Cookie-Dough Frozen Yogurt which is also impossible for me to resist, so I took it, hoping Sarah W. wouldn't force me to "hey, put that back where you found it." I did mention to her I took the extra picture, but I hid the mention in small type in a dissertation I
suggested she read on expended nuclear fuel rods-heh
heh heh. So far, I've gotten away Scott-free. Her
unique site which truly stretches the limits of
Buffydom is at:
Sarah W.'s "Buffy the Vampire Slayer Tribute" Site
I got the Buffy Theme midi from Xainith's page which is addressed:
Xainith's Buffy the Vampire Slayer Page
The picture of Whistler (a vidcap) came from Dingo on
the Prairie's Buffy Page addressed:
Dingo on the Prairie's Buffy Page
I found a charming picture of Charisma and Nick
laughing about something and couldn't resist it.
Aren't they wonderful in their roles? The address of the site where I found it is:
I was posting on the BtVS Official Site Posting Board one night and Chris Beck, the Emmy Award-winning (for Buffy) composer was on. Some guy slid a midi he had made of the Buffy love theme in front of Chris. Chris was amazed (and flattered)--we all were amazed. This guy, who posts as Ryanh, let me use it. It plays twice on the first page of Unbecoming1: Out to Lunch. Edited to Add Okay, there's a further story behind this. Ryanh it turns out, "borrowed" this from a Miss Noella Choi who was the person who had truly created it. I found this out later when I ran across an enhanced version of the Love Theme among her other Buffy themes on her website. Here's a link to Noella's current Website.
I added a picture of Mr. Spock to my fanfic and it
got a laugh, so it's staying. Maybe it'll get another. That's just the kind
of guy I am. I'm certain it is at the very least ©
Paramount Pictures Television.
Now, any of the above items will be removed, upon objection, with no
questions asked (other than, possibly, Did you get
out of the wrong side of the bed this morning?)
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